Terms and Conditions

Please read these terms of use carefully before using this web site.

Kairali Agriculture Multi State Cooperative Society Ltd.  maintains this web site. All content (text, graphics, links, scripts, software, images, audio, video, etc.) on the Society website is made available to visitors only for the lawful use and purposes as described below. As a condition of using this site, you represent that you have legal authority to accept these Terms of Use and agree to be bound by these Terms, including agreeing to be bound by, and abide, all applicable laws and regulations.

If you do not agree to these terms, do not use this web site.

Permission to use Materials (such as free downloads, white papers, press releases, datasheets and FAQs) from this server (‘Server’) is granted, provided that:

(1) the below copyright notice appears in all copies of any downloaded software together with this permission notice,

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Please read these Conditions:

• All the data provided in the form are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

• Promise to abide by the laws and rules of the society in force or may be amended from time to time.

• Society will be the sole exclusive consultant for Carbon Credit Generation Projects in the Submitted land for next five years.

• Paying Rs.1000 as one time registration fees to enroll into the Carbon credit Project by Society and Rs.120 as one time membership fees to become a member of Kairali Agriculture Multi State Co-Operative Society Ltd.

• Society will be the sole authority to trade the Carbon credits generated from the Submitted land for next five years. Gross profit from the Carbon Credit trading revenue from the submitted land will be shared on 50:50 ratio.

• Any type of construction/land degradation etc. will make me and my land ineligible for the project and its benefits. 

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